Student Spotlight: Ellie Rector


This week we are doing a senior spotlight on Ellie Rector. She will be attending ASU this fall to get her construction management degree. Rector is a good student, an extraordinary influence and my best friend. Rector has attended Tahoma her whole life and claims she “wishes she could live within this community forever”. Ellie and I in our free time like to ripstick, crotchet, go on adventure walks, and hangout with our friends.” Ellie has been busy crocheting a tote bag for me out of her kindness. We also have been watching the sunsets, finding pretty trails to walk on, going to car meets with our friends, and enjoying ripsticking at every available time in the day just waiting for summer to arrive. Ellie has made a gigantic impact on my life not only for being a great person but she is always there making incredible memories with my friends and I.  -Sami 

Just a few years ago Ellie has taken up a hobby that she has found a love for: crocheting. Rector started to discover her love for arts and crafts which led her to “start crocheting and after tons of practice [she] has gotten a lot better it just took time”. Crocheting has become such a big part of her life ever since she started. After busy and stressful days at school, relaxing at home, settling in a comfortable spot, and crocheting gets her mind off things and is a great detox. She notes that “it’s calming because it’s just repetition, usually I’ll sit and watch a show and crochet.” Being able to create something cool and useful as well as having a great, no stress, hobby is sometimes the perfect thing to do on all sorts of days. Recently Ellie teaches her friends how to crochet as well. She and her friend Sami visited the lake early in March and sat by the water and crocheted. Crocheting unifies her friendships and makes a great pastime to chill with friends. She says she “definitely recommends learning” to crochet. 

After hearing about Ellie recently starting to crochet it inspires me to want to start as well. Especially with her explaining that it’s such a destresser and detoxer for her after a long day. Also seeing on pinterest and other social media platforms of all the things you can create crocheting is so cool to see and know that you could just make that, and Ellie can. Ellie says she’s made a few tote bags and she is working on a beanie right now. 

Ellie has always been artistic but now she has found a true passion that brings happiness to her everyday life.