Extraterrestrials Shouldn’t be Extra Credit

science classes need to look at the real issue of our age: aliens

Rae Hall, Staff

It’s time for students to face the reality of Science education. Ever since elementary school, students have been going to classes and learning about boring topics like plant growth and chemicals. What I don’t understand is why common core avoids what is clearly the most important topic of all: Aliens.

Are science classes truly important if they don’t teach the important subjects? Think back on all your science education, consider everything you’ve learned. Has a teacher even mentioned extraterrestrial life to you? Yeah, me neither. The fact that our educational system beats around the bush of the possibility of intelligent life beyond humans brings suspicion to whoever created this curriculum. What do they know? What are they hiding? We must call attention to this issue. The students of the world must know.

The existence of aliens, or possible lack of, should be a required unit in at least one year. When the time comes that the truth becomes evident, how will our population know the facts? How can we be sure they will educate us in the future? When we ask these questions, it provokes a movement. It provokes change.

That is why I tell you today, speak out about this topic, ask the questions that need to be asked. Send letters to your local politician and encourage them to change the way they require students to teach. It is only you that can bring light to this issue. We must unite on our journey to discovering the Truth of it all. It is only we that can change the world.