What Clubs Are Available For The 22-23 year


Owen Moniz, Writer

Clubs are essentials to Tahoma High School  and that is where people feel welcomed. Clubs also are a way for students to  have fun and to enjoy high school. Clubs allow students to interact with others and create freinships.  Here at Tahoma High School, there are 50 plus clubs. In order for there to be a club, a supervisor needs to be in charge to help run the club. Tahoma offers a lot of differnt clubs, there are clubs for those wanting to join the military, and even clubs for those avid video gamers. Each floor provides posters explaining each of the clubs offered and the times that they meet. For more information about the clubs here at Tahoma check out:  https://sites.google.com/tahomasd.us/ths-activities/leadership-asb/clubs?authuser=o