Tahoma’s Biggest Crisis


Anna Jackson, Writer

Many people walk to school. Many people bike to school. And, many people take the bus to school. These are all good, sustainable ways to effectively get to school. However many people drive to school, individually. This is not only quickly ruining the environment, but it is also making traffic problems, clogging roads, and causing road rage. 


With so many people driving to school, it not only causes problems with traffic, it’s not safe. Especially with all the young high school students who are driving themselves. Many students passed their driving test, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are good at driving. This not only makes it dangerous for other people trying to enter their parking lot, it also poses danger to pedestrians, many of whom walk and bike to school.


Besides posing danger to the individuals who walk and bike to school, school starts at the same time that many people are leaving for work. The streets are already flooded with people, and people who drive their kids to school, and drive themselves to school just worsen the problem. As Ashlyn Roed, (A fellow bear) explains, “The line goes out to the main road, buses are in the cars lane, there are multiple lanes merging into the drop off zone, and kids don’t get out of the cars quickly.” It’s basically all around chaos, chaos, that could be minimalized if people car-pooled, took the bus, or walked.


Without including the traffic problem, being individually driven is terrible for the environment. It adds to climate change and global warming. The greenhouse gasses are being released into the atmosphere which allows more sunlight in. As ecology.wa.gov states, Burning gasoline and diesel fuel creates harmful byproducts like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, benzene, and formaldehyde. In addition, vehicles emit carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas.” 


There are much better ways to get to school, such as taking the bus, walking, biking, and even carpooling. This reduces the amount of emissions being released into the air. If you have access to a bus, there is no reason not to ride it. If you live within walking distance, walk. There is no reason not to walk if you live within the distance, unless you have a physical disability, or underlying reason. 


 It’s not only good for the environment, it is good for you. Walking before a test or assignment can help by getting your blood flow moving and sending oxygen to your brain. It also makes you more alert, helps with stress, and boosts your mood. It should also make you feel happier, knowing that you are helping the environment.