Tahoma Girls Swim is Diving Into Another Successful Season


Kamryn Raybell, Writer

The well-known Tahoma girls Swim and Dive team is a wonderful opportunity with extra team bonding along with fun practices you could be part of. The swim team is a fall sport which usually meets around five days a week. The team practices and does most of their meets at the Covington Aquatic Center right by Maple View Middle School. Once in a while, their meets will be away at other high schools around the area which lead to fun hotel nights with the team.

From a freshman Tahoma swimmer, Bailey McDonald, she says, “I would recommend Tahoma Swim, they are great at having a good coaching style and great captains.” The team is known for the good environment. Bailey says, “We have a bunch of team events, and everybody hangs out. Everyone has team spirit and no specific cliques and groups. We are all friends. We have movie nights, campfires and at away meets we hang out in the hotels.” Overall, the team is a well-rounded group of people who make it a positive experience.

The meets are all mostly at home at the Covington Aquatic center. They do have some away at other high schools. They have about one or two meets per week. They also have the State Meet at the end of the fall season. Bailey states, “We have not had a ton of away meets, but they are all mostly at home. But most people come to watch like our parents and friends and just others from Tahoma.”

Swimming has also been proven to be a terrific way to relieve stress. Tamar Rasmussen says, “It is a good stress reliever because it is such a supportive environment where all the girls are there for you if you need it.” So having a supportive community could relieve stress in that having people who are supporting you, you will not feel as tense and like you are there to compete. More to just swim and build a supportive environment.

Another good impact the swim team could have on you is a challenge. The team could encourage you to go out of your comfort zone at both practices and meets. The team is supportive therefore if you make any mistakes, it will not count against you. “The practices are definitely quite difficult. In the short hour and a half, we do a lot of hard sets in a short period of time. While it still challenges me, everyone is cheering each other on during the practice.” Says Rasmussen.

In all, the Tahoma Swim and Dive team could bring a lot of joy and good memories. It brings you a good challenge and gives you time to meet new people and bond with them. It could relieve any stress you have and has a flexible schedule. So, it is a fantastic opportunity for fall 2023 you should definitely consider diving into a new experience and memories will swim your way!