The Secret Truth Of The Lip Balm Industry

The Secret Truth Of The Lip Balm Industry

Marifer Gonzalez, Journalist

Have you ever bought a lip balm with the marketing of soft smooth lips or a promise that it’ll repair chapped lips, only for it to make your lips drier, and more cracked than before? That’s because most lip balm companies add salicylic acid to their products. The same acid that other companies like ‘The Ordinary’ sell by itself with the description such as “An exfoliator for blemish-prone skin”<this is what causes the peeling and chapped lips. See salicylic acid is fine to use on your face once in a while in certain products, but using it on sensitive areas like your lips is what makes it problematic. This ingredient keeps you in a buying, peeling, applying, and repeating cycle, a tactic most lip balm companies use on unknowing consumers due to the fact that said companies don’t add it on their ingredient label. Although not all lips are the same and some ingredients work better than others this ingredient is not one you want to use.

Now that you are aware of what not to put on your lips, here are some dermatologist-recommended ingredients to look for in lip products.  Coming up at # 1 is caster oil due to the fact of the ricinoleic acid in it, which makes it a natural moisturizer that helps your skin health faster. #2 shea-butter, not only does it smell incredibly amazing but because it’s anti-inflammatory it gives your skin a break and calms down swelling. #3 honey, although this one might be self-explanatory it’s the most practical simply because it works! I am not sure if you know this but not only does honey taste tasty, and is hydrating but it disinfects things, getting rid of any bacteria you might have on your lips.  #4 lanolin, you might have never heard of this ingredient before but it happens to fall into the emollient category and like all the other ingredients on this list can trap moisturizing oils in your lips making them nice and smooth. (You could also look for products that are marked to be fragrance-free or hypoallergenic.)

I hope this helped and I wish you good luck in finding the lip product of your dreams!