Returning to Stranger Things

Stranger Things 2 brings a binge-worthy sequel to Netflix

Rae Hall, Staff

Photo: Netflix

Recently,  the new season of Stranger Things came out, titled Stranger Things 2, causing a worldwide binge-watching session. I tuned into the amount of hype in the days before, remembering how great season 1 was to watch. Needless to say, after the experience of season 1, I held high expectations for season 2 of this series.

After watching it, I had many, many good things to say about it. The intensity of the scenes with the sound effects amplified the disorienting effect, perfect for a horror series like this. The special effects were chillingly realistic, each and every detail of the aliens were almost as if they were actually there.

These aspects were not the only good qualities, I greatly enjoyed the new characters introduced and their personalities. However, this is also a complaint. With all the new characters, very little backstory was really explicitly touched on for a lot of the characters, and some experienced no development at all. The sudden addition of characters as plot foils for other existing characters made this season seem like a really good second book in a trilogy. It’s well made and interesting, but there’s a lot of plot holes that need filling.

It is my hope that this is because they’re planning on more seasons. If not, I still recommend this to most everyone, aside from those who aren’t the best with blood or a lot of suspense. I also strongly recommend not letting children watch this. The amount of near death or actual death experiences you see are nightmare inducing.