Baseball Swings Its Way To Tahoma


CJ Cantu, Editor and Journalist

The crowd is filled with students and parents alike. Cheers erupt from the stands as the sound of a clunk is heard. That’s right, baseball season has launched at Tahoma High School! 

I had the privilege of going to Tahoma Varsity Baseball’s third game where they played against the Auburn Riverside Ravens. On the field, the varsity team was in high spirits and music played through the speakers to keep the crowd entertained. The game started at 7 PM and ended around 8:47. 


Here are some highlights from the game:

  • Julius Hooks, #24, hit every pitch sent his way. By the second inning, he wowed the crowd as he ran through two bases. 
  • The first inning ended with the Bears at 4 points and the Ravens at 0.
  • Logan Pierce, #38, had solid pitches as he striked out almost every batter from the Ravens.
  • The second inning ended with the Bears at 1 point and the Ravens at 0.
  • In the third inning, three players ran to home thanks to, #43, Cole Routos. It ended with the Bears at 7 points and the Ravens at 0.
  • The Varsity team ended strong in the fourth and last inning of the game as, #7, Noah Lee straight through all three bases and patiently waited to make it to home base. 


The game ended with the Bears scoring 15 points, leaving the Ravens at only 1 point. 

I left the game astonished and in complete awe of our Varsity Baseball team. If you have the time, I’d suggest going to one of their games. Trust me, you won’t regret it! 

Their next home game is today at 6 PM. So go out and support your varsity team!