Prepping for Semester End: Finals

January 12, 2022
Alright, Bears, we are this close to semester end, this semester ends on the 26th, which means we have 8 blue and 7 gold days (as of Jan 6th). And while the beginning of a new semester means a fresh start for all of us, it also means that we all need to buckle down for the end of this semester. This means catching up in your current classes and setting yourself up for success next semester.
Finals week… is something that you don’t really understand until you get to high school, like, it’s something you hear about, but something you never really understand. The majority of students at Tahoma have never had a real finals week, so this is gonna be a rough awakening. But, never fear I am here to help.
I’m not gonna lie, finals week is gonna be pretty tough, but the first thing I would do to prepare for whatever finals you have is to start studying earlier rather than later. This studying does not have to be 3-hour long intensive studying sessions, they could just be 30 minutes of going over the basic concepts or details of the subject. That being said, I would advise that the later you begin studying the longer the studying sessions should be, this will allow you to cement the content into your mind better. Additionally, when your studying makes sure they stay hydrated and eat well, this has been proven to help reinforce memory, which is key when it comes to preparing for finals.
In addition to studying for finals, it is important to reach out to your teachers if needed. Don’t worry there is no such thing as dumb questions, when it comes to finals, personally, I would rather risk asking the teacher a stupid question and correcting my mistake than missing the point on the test. It is better to do this sooner rather than later so then you have time to cement the right concepts in your brain.
Lastly, I know that final are stressful, but don’t forget to take care of yourself. You are not able to work at peak performance if you are dehydrated, hungry, or exhausted, so be sure to always place your physical and mental needs at top priority. You, as a person, matter more than your final grades.
Hopefully, this article helps you get those grades up. If you want advice on how to best to get in your missing assignments you can go to this link, if you want tips on how to improve your grades go to this link, and if you want advice on how to start the next semester off right you can go to this link.