Lets make some New Years Resolutions


Kylie Miller, Editor and Journalist

As we enter into the year 2022 we are all reminded of the dreaded New Years Resolution, I call this dreaded because for most of us it is just an empty promise to ourselves that we keep for the first 3 days and then decide that going to the gym is just too much work. Thankfully, I am here to save the day, my goal with this article is to teach you how to create a new year’s resolution you can actually stick to.

The most important thing to do when creating a good resolution is to make it measurable, you need a way to actually check your progress. For example, making a resolution to be in better shape, is a good goal, but there is no way to track it. Instead of this making the resolution to go to the gym 5 times a week, gives you a clear indicator of your progress with your goal. A way to do this for goals that are hard to measure, such as keeping a clean room is to make a resolution to put your laundry away as soon as it’s done or make your bed every morning.

The next important thing to remember when making a resolution is to make sure that it is attainable, you need to set a goal that you can actually reach. Going back to our gym example, for some people 5 days a week is not going to be possible, instead, try for 3 or 4 times depending on how busy your schedule is.

The last recommendation I have for creating a good New Years’ resolution is to make sure it can actually be accomplished and/or upkept throughout a year. While a year is a long time some goals are difficult to accomplish within a year, losing a certain amount of weight within a year cannot always be done in a healthy manner. Additionally, it can be difficult to upkeep certain goals as the year goes on, a resolution to limit your amount of screen time a day is gonna get difficult to keep up over the year. A way to combat this is to have mini-goals set throughout the year, this will allow you to celebrate and keep you motivated throughout the year.

Now you can go forth improve or create your New Years’ resolution. 2021 was a rocky year for all of us and we owe it to ourselves to improve as people in healthy and smart ways. 2022 can be a good year for all of us and a good New Years’ resolution is going to help keep us stay motivated through it all.