The Future Health Risks of Vaping

How the growing epidemic can affect Tahoma High School students.

Image from

Zach Klobutcher and Matt Estes

Many students at Tahoma High school are not aware of the effects vaping could have on their body. A student that wishes to remain anonymous said that they take roughly “30 hits a day” while also claiming that their energy level has been lower than normal. Most commonly, students at Tahoma who do vape, say that they and others they know use roughly 50% nicotine juice for their vape. These students wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

Since starting to vape , students have reported feeling shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and dizziness when moving fast. Yet after they explained their symptoms they  said that they either don’t feel that way anymore or just don’t notice how they feel. This is very common with smokers growing a tolerance to what they smoke and their bodies then get used to the negative effects.

Recently the Mayo Clinic has released a story depicting some of the health effects Vapes, and most importantly nicotine, have on a teen’s body. They mention the difficulty for a teen to quit the use of nicotine. If a teen is attempting to break their dependence, however, they can experience stronger cravings, depressed mood and anxiety. It may also lead to increased irritability, frustration, and anger along with restlessness and insomnia.

Overall vaping can take a large toll on a teenager’s health. In this day and age, students tend to show some of these symptoms but they may not have a direct correlation with vaping. However, those who do vape and or use nicotine products may experience more significant effects due to their constant use of vaping. If students stop as soon as possible then they will be far healthier in the long run both mentally and physically as well as emotionally.