The Lunch Bunch

Neil Khanal, Staff

The student body at Tahoma High School is over 2,500 students. When everyone goes to lunch, it becomes difficult to find a comfortable place to sit. Some Tahoma High School  teachers leave for lunch, limiting the good sitting areas and some teachers do allow their students to have lunch in their rooms. However, they don’t come close to what Mrs. Davolt offers. She welcomes her students into her class to eat, talk to friends or even talk to her about issues concerning one. And now, the Creative Writing Club.

“I wanted to make sure that everyone had a home. A comfort place, just come with friends, do work, not do work, and feel safe.” Said Mrs. Erin Davolt. “I remember being a Freshman in High School, and that first day was like: panicking. ‘Where are we going to sit? We can sit here and can’t sit there, and I just wanted to open my door and say, ‘Here’s a place.’’ Since she started teaching at Tahoma last year, Davolt’s idea attracted many people to hang out in her room. As a result, many of her students continuously come to her room for lunch. Some have grown an appreciation for her.

“[I] love her,” said Sophomore Cayla Egberg. “I’m in here before school, lunch, sometimes after school.” Egberg had Mrs. Davolt for Pre. AP Literature last year. She began eating lunch in her room early last year, and has gotten her friends to hang out with her, eventually making a large group with a large amount of energy.

“I love that students have a chance to learn about the world in community, together, and then to see them excited about some show they’re watching, something that’s on the news, I don’t know, I love their energy,” said Mrs. Davolt when asked about the group.

Mrs. Davolt feels that she wants to help out other students in feeling comfortable. Based on this group, her idea has worked, and anyone who has Mrs. Davolt or has had Mrs. Davolt can feel a sense of comfort if you need a safe space.