Catching up with the starcatchers

“Peter and the Starcatcher” takes the stage at Tahoma.


Owen Young

“Peter and the Starcatcher” is directed by Paul Rempfer. The play opens Friday, November 9, 2018.

Owen Young, Staff

The prequel to Peter Pan is coming to the Tahoma theatre department, “Peter and the Starcatcher” and it’s pretty good. I was able to view the first act in one of the play’s rehearsals on Tuesday, October 30th. It’s no Tarzan, which won several awards for last year’s performance by the school, but despite that, it’s still worth watching.

By the end of act one, a set of interesting characters are introduced with some detail going into the main character’s backstory that might be flushed out in the second act. The acting was good, the actors portrayed their character’s personalities with the use of verbal and physical actions very well it makes you feel like they are the person they are portraying. The sound effects could use some work but they were in the process of being polished so by the time that the play opens the sounds should be of better quality. “Peter and the Starcatcher” is not a musical but it still has singing in it, and the cast was still memorizing some of the songs when I saw their rehearsal, but the songs they did sing were of excellent quality with a good rhythm and harmony.

The comedy could appeal to more people but I still found myself laughing during most of the comedic points with more to surely follow in the second act.

“Peter and the Starcatcher” is definitely worth the watch with a good overall story plot and acting, it’s not the best thing I’ve ever seen but it’s still worth going. “Peter and the Starcatcher” opens  Friday, November 9th. Mr. Rempfer, the director of the performing arts center as well as the play itself, answered some questions about the play.

When asked how ready the cast was he replied, “They’re ready to perform.” Rempfer also described that the play is an ensemble and because of that, the play relies on its background characters a lot, not just its leads. Rempfer replied to the question “Why do Peter and the Starcatcher” he said that it gave opportunities for lots of people to act in the ensemble, and it has never been done at Tahoma School District before.

The set of the play also fills the entire stage, it is an impressive sight to behold because Rempfer built all of the set in stagecraft classes at Tahoma.