Tahoma High’s Student Store


The Student Store when it’s closed.

Owen Young

Hunter Kagen, a junior at Tahoma, is the CEO of the student store, he described what new items he had in stock. There are mostly new drinks added to the menu, including Gatorade in grape strawberry and cool blue, also Bai antioxidant infusion in blueberry, watermelon, and pomegranate. Pure Leaf sweet tea, strawberry and mango smoothies, as well as a new grape-flavored slushie. Rice is returning from last year and is going to be back on the menu soon, and Hunter said that the smoothies are going to be coming in a few weeks. This isn’t all the store has to offer though, so if you haven’t gone to the student store it has all kinds of chips, drinks, and other food, as well as shirts for each grade. To work in the student store you need to contact either Hunter or Mr. Devlin the supervisor of the student store, and the retail operations teacher and have a Washington Food Worker Card. Retail operations is a year-long class that works in the student store

Kagen also talked about the most popular items in the store, to no one’s surprise pizza is by far the most popular food that they sell which is from Frankie’s pizza. The white monster flavor is probably the most popular drink, needing more slots in the cases than most other drinks. The store’s prices are also better than the school Cafeteria. One example is that cookies are 50 cents in the student store and 75 cents in the cafeteria. Though you cannot use your lunch account to buy from the student store, you need physical money, the student store is out to make a profit to keep itself running, and to support DECA.

DECA is a marketing club associated with the student store meant to familiarize students with the way people and businesses make money. In DECA, groups of 1-3 people compete in multiple categories such as a virtual business and designing a social media platform. DECA is preparing for the area competition, which will lead them to state and eventually ICDC which is the national competition held in Florida this year. DECA meets during power hour A in room 102 but registration is almost over if you’re interested.