Hail to the King?

Black Panther had massive hype, but does it deliver?


Marvel Studios

Black Panther, starring Chadwick Boseman, is in theaters now.

Keegan Culp, Staff

The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand. Next up, a king rises out of the ashes and is ready to serve his people. In a cat costume. But, one question looms overhead: Was Black Panther worth the hype?

According to Deadline.com, the projections stated that Black Panther was supposed to shatter a lot of records with some estimates at $120 to $200 million dollars. But, as of Tuesday, February 20th, the US/Canada box office reached $242 million dollars, while the international box office reached 370.5 million dollars! Yeah, that’s a lot of money!

Also, according to Forbes, some other records Black Panther smashed were Biggest opening on a four day weekend, biggest solo superhero movie launch, and biggest non-sequel opening.

“I really liked the setting and the African culture of the movie,” said senior Josh Krafsky. “I also really liked how they tied in the African culture and Wakanda’s technology into the heart of the movie. Also, the acting was really good.”

“Some of the things that I didn’t like about the movie was how dry the plot was,” said Krafsky. “It took a long time to get into the real action. It just felt like for most of the movie, it was dragged out.”

This is a pattern for Marvel when they drag out a story and save the action until the end. For example, Civil War dragged out so bad, that it ruined the action scene and it made me forget what they were fighting about.

But, overall, Black Panther was a fine addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But, I would not personally call it my favorite Marvel movie. It was worth some hype, but not all of it.

Also, one more thing, if you still haven’t watched the movie, stay for the two end credit scenes.