Tahoma’s District Choir Festival Kicks Off!(Featuring Mr. Kenneth Riggs, the choir director)

Jerry Abson, Staff

Tonight, at 6:00 PM, will be the starting time for our high school’s choir festival of fun. And that’s just the first ‘segment’ in their 4-piece concert event.

This will continue on to tomorrow at the same time, but with new songs of course. They will be singing throughout the entire school district in different schools with different choir kids and students. Just a day before the festival started, Mr. Kenneth Riggs was interviewed with several intriguing questions about the festival. Here’s what was discussed:

1) What songs will you be performing throughout the festival?
“So each choir will perform a variety of different pieces, depending on the choir. And then they’ll do a couple of combined pieces: They’ll do one that’s combined with grades 7th through 12th, and then one that’s grades 4th through 12th. So that’s kind of the schedule of things.”
2) What struggles has the choir overcome, or are working to overcome, if there any?
“Again, it’s different for each different choir, really, but they’ve all been improving in confidence in their sound, and their ability to listen to each other as they sing and match sounds. Those are kind of the biggest things they’ve had to do.”.
3) What do you do to prepare yourself right before you walk on stage and perform a song?
“Well, first off I have to find music ahead of time before we start rehearsing, and familiarize myself with it. But then, I kind of prepare as the kids prepare, through our rehearsals. So, I feel as prepared as they do for it. There’s nothing special that happens right before-hand, we usually will run through it before we go out and perform, in here. Other than that, there’s not a lot that I do the day before, aside from all the logistical pieces of making sure everything’s where it’s supposed to be, and the sound system is working and all that.”
4) Which song are you most looking forward to performing at the festival?
“I don’t know… I’m excited for my women’s choir to perform this song called, ‘As The Rain Hides The Stars,’ because they’ve really improved a lot lately, and I think it’s going to be a surprise to people to hear them. That’s fun. I’m also excited to hear the combined secondary piece, it’s one that I wrote, and I have not heard this version of it performed before, so that’ll be cool.”
5) Describe the feeling you get when you get a kid to sing along?
“When I get the kids to sing… Well, it’s a good thing! You know. They pretty much do it from day one, they just don’t do it as well as they can. So then, mostly my process is getting them to do what they’re doing, better.”
6) Which song do you think the kids will enjoy the most?
“I think that the audience will enjoy the chamber choir’s version of ‘Elijah Rock.’ That’s an exciting piece. And I think they’ll probably enjoy the jazz choir’s, ‘Recipe For Love.’ I think those’ll be the most popular ones.”

Later that same day, I interviewed Jared Loveless, a choir student at Tahoma High School, for his insight on the festival.
1) What song will you be most looking forward to?
“It’s a hard choice, we have a few cool ones… I think probably Northern Lights.”
2) Describe the process of overcoming a struggle you have with a certain song, if you have any at all?
“We have one song, Elijah Rock, by Moses Hogan. We have to keep a certain beat and the subdivision. It’s a little difficult, to keep with the group, on top of already committing your own pulse. I’d say it helps me grow, because it helps me learn how to better listen to what’s going on in my surroundings.”
3) Describe the feeling when you hear, “District Choir Festival Tomorrow?”
“…No comment” (Loveless). Jared Loveless then broke into laughter. “I admit it’s not my favorite thing. But, it’s good for the kids.”
4) How much time do you invest into each song?
“Each song? Generally, I invest all the time I spend in class. If I have a hard time with a song, or just want to learn it a little better, or even like the song, I might spend a little bit more time outside. Each song, probably spend like, 20 minutes or half an hour on in class, and if I feel like it… 10 minutes at home.”
5) Describe the feeling when you sing a song you really love and have passion for?
“It kind of gets your heart pounding a bit. It’s… an overwhelming joy.”
6) Describe the feeling you get when you get a kid to sing along?
“…When I get I kid to sing along…Huh….I guess pride.”

After Loveless said this, I shook his hand, and thanked him for his time. So cheers to the choir! Our new high school as well its news and journalism team wishes them a good time at that festival, both tonight, and tomorrow night.