At Tahoma High School, there are many sports and activities teams that get plenty of representation throughout their entire seasons. Although one in particular remains to be unheard of to most of the student body, Tahoma’s very own gymnastics team. This is a concern for the few students who do know about the situation.
A student at Tahoma high school, who prefers to stay anonymous and is on the gymnastics team stated, “As a competitor on the Tahoma gymnastics team I feel that the gymnastics team gets no recognition, many people at this school don’t know that there even is a gymnastics team. There is no booster club for the team and therefore we have no money, the team has been wearing the same completion leotards for 7 years.” (Anonymous)
The same student made a remark that “[m]any people don’t know that the High school team is a sport but think it is just a club. We cannot use our own equipment because we have no where to put it, Tahoma owns nice new equipment but is able to use it and it is going to waste, being stored away because we can’t practice at Tahoma. When we have “home meets” we cannot make commission from the competition because it is not at Tahoma.” (Anonymous)
They continued to comment about how “[t]he athletic director of Tahoma High School claimed at the beginning of the year that there wasn’t going to be enough girls on the team, so an assistant coach was not needed but there is enough to the point where we do need an assistant coach, and now do not have one.” (Anonymous)
There is further predicament over where the gymnastic team practices. This student recalled, “The gymnastics team is not able to practice at Tahoma high school due to there being no room so we have to practice at Kentlake, making it hard for some people to get to practice due to the distance, plus it is a school not even in our district.” They pointed out that “for [their] last meet the AD didn’t know [they] had [a meet] so [they] didn’t get a bus, which was very inconvenient.” (Anonymous)
Not only are students unaware of the team, but the team is overlooked completely by the athletic directors of Tahoma High School when it comes to the basic needs the team is not receiving. An area to practice, busses that are provided to and from practices and meets, and good materials for their sport/activity, are things that every team/club has the right to as students of Tahoma High School.