The excitement of winter break has finally worn down. Students are back to class, waiting for the next break in February. Though it may be over now, we can still look back to see what others did during the two weeks off and reminisce for a little bit.
Just over 2 weeks ago, all Tahoma students got out for their long-awaited 2 week winter break. There’s countless possibilities of what people did with so much free time.
Miguel Melgoza, a sophomore here at Tahoma High School, shares with us what he was up to these past two weeks. Miguel was first asked what he did for winter break and later, what his favorite part about it was. “I really only did one thing during winter break, I went to visit my family in Mexico. My family and I left the 19. Being in Mexico away from school is great, but I think what brings me the most joy every time is the amount of culture you see here. Nothing matches the colors and the huge variety of things you see while you’re out and about. It’s sad that many see Mexico as a poor country, but if happiness was currency, Mexico would be the richest.”
Jacob Santos, a senior, says for most of break he hung out with his friends. “My highlight though was definitely getting to hangout with my sister and her boyfriend almost every day because they’re home and I hadn’t spent time with them in a really long time. But also finding new things to do with my friends and having all my friends together at Christmas parties.”
Another senior interviewed was Kaustav Singh, he told us that he had finally been able to see his friends again that had gone off to college. “Getting to see them again was nice, the feeling of the reunion is unmatched.”
As we can see, Tahoma’s students were pretty busy with relaxation, and fun over break! Sadly, now it’s time to get back into the groove of things with finals for the end of the semester coming up. Luckily, Mid-winter break is coming up next month on the 19 through the 23. Check the Tahoma High School calendar on the Tahoma website for more information on breaks and early release days.