On Thursday November 9th, 2023, the Tahoma senior girls took on the junior girls in the annual powder puff game. Powderpuff has been a tradition since 1920. It is usually an event to raise money for charity or for the school. The term “powder puff” came from the tool women used in the 1940’s to apply their makeup.
The game started at 7 pm on Thursday night. The seniors won the coin toss, and requested they start with the ball on offense. The Seniors and the Juniors went neck and neck for the first quarter. Then the seniors made a touchdown.
Head Senior Coach Derrick Peters said “It’s all about having fun. I want the girls to enjoy their last game. They’ve been working hard”
During halftime the much loved bear boys put on a fabulous performance and danced their hearts out. They worked for many weeks to perfect their dance. They did flips and lifted people into the air and made the whole crowd engaged.
Once the second half started it was very close on both sides. Each team fought hard for the ball, and put their best effort in. With 15 seconds left, the seniors got the ball and ran an 80 yard touchdown, putting them at 13 points and winning the game.
Coach Peters stated “The ending was very crazy, both teams worked very hard and played very well. Proud of them all”.
The final score was 13-0 giving the seniors a victory yet again. Next years game should be just as exciting and we’re excited to see what’s in store.
Gracyn Meyer • Nov 17, 2023 at 9:53 am
Great article! I missed the game, so this was a good overview for someone who couldn’t make it.