What’s Next For Seniors?

Katelyn Raybell and Ava Carruolo

With graduation fast approaching, it’s almost time to say goodbye to our senior class of 2023. Each senior has their own plan after high school whether it’s college, trade school, military, etc.. With so many graduating seniors this year it is important to allow everyone to recognize where these seniors will go and what paths they took. 

Each senior had the opportunity to explain and showcase their plan for their “13th Year” to a panel of judges on May 26th. You may have heard some students stressing out. For some, presentations are incredibly stressful. But, all of the seniors did amazing and are now on track for graduation next Thursday.

What are the seniors up to after graduation?

We polled 24 students to see what some of our graduating seniors plans are for next year. Here are our results:

17 are attending a 4 year university, 4 will be working, 1 will attend a trade school, 1 will attend cosmetology school, 1 will be in a 5 year program, and 1 will be taking a gap year.

4 are majoring in a health science, 3 are majoring in vet sciences, 2 are majoring in psychology, 2 are majoring in aeronautical sciences. The rest, majoring in various other areas of study.

We wish our seniors the best next year as they transition into the next phase of their lives. This is an exciting new chapter and we cant wait to see what you do with all of the opportunities you’ll be presented with.