John Mulaney’s Return

May 22, 2023
A sweet surprise, one many didn’t see coming. Opening Netflix for the 31st time to see the familiar un-intriguing selections, i’m sure we can all agree Netflix has gone under a bit. But this time, it was different. You scroll down until you reach the comedy section, and there he is. A fresh haircut, a purple suit, and stories for days. John Mulaney, and his new Netflix special, “Baby J”.
Let’s get right into it, after a 2 month long rehab and a divorce, our handsome comedian came back with stories about each. Now, I don’t want to spoil anything, after all, how would you feel if someone told you about specific phrases and lines in my article before you got the chance to gaze upon the sacred texts yourself? Same applies here, so for your sake i’ll keep out specifics. I will however, after a long pause from this tradition, give something out of 10 towards his special.
I know, I know. You’ve been foaming at the mouth for a rating, and now i’m finally delivering. In terms of overall show quality, i’ve given an immediate 5 points. Coming out on stage it was like nothing had changed, except his drug use, which has now seen a massive decrease to 0% usage. Obviously, I can’t let a milestone go without giving him a solid 3 points towards his score. From the bottom of my heart, I am very proud for him being forced to turn his life around. Now, there is an issue with his performance, being that I can’ really find anything to deduct points for. This would not normally be an issue, but that means that his 4.5 stars out of 5 is a false rating, because for obvious reasons, my opinion is far more qualified. Because of this, im adding an extra point, just to make sure all the inferior reviewers know my power. Adding up all the points, the final rating is….. 9/10. I would give a 10/10, but we all know who takes that spot.
In all honesty, go watch his special as soon as possible. I tried to leave out as much detail as possible so you can get the best experience of it without spoilers. And no, i’m not asking, it’s a requirement you go have a god laugh.