The Way of Leadership
March 1, 2023
What is leadership? The Oxford Dictionary states that leadership is “The action of leading a group of people or an organization”. Why is leadership important? Well according to, leadership is important because leaders provide guidance, inspiration, and motivation when achieving goals and to help gather people around a cause. In my words, leadership is a way of showing a person or a community that you care enough to gather people together to show awareness to what you love. Leadership is shown in many ways and at Tahoma High School, they show those ways very thoroughly!
Tahoma High School dedicates itself to teaching students about leadership to prepare them for the rest of high school and for the rest of their lives because it is important to understand how to lead others into a successful career. Tahoma has a class dedicated to leadership and teaching students how to use leadership in their daily lives as adults and just as they grow up. Ways that they affect students in the best way possible is at the beginning of the semester, they tell the students that they need to at least volunteer for an organization of their choice to dedicate their time to others as a great way to show leadership to others in need.
Another way that teachers show and let kids experience leadership is by getting to know ALL the students in the classroom. Students will go around saying their name so many times throughout the year to make sure that the environment is full of positivity by making everyone feel known but not only do students know names, they get to know a little more about the person themself like what they do in their free time or just simple things like what makes them happy.
I think so far what I have learned from that class is that it is important to take others into consideration and to make sure that people are appreciated and known instead of just left there and feeling left out. Leadership may not just be about leading a group of people into a cause but could be just appreciating others for who they are and letting them know that they are loved and me and many others in that class have been able to experience leadership in many ways as a class but as well as individuals.
I have experienced the leadership class myself this semester and I can say with complete confidence that this class is a super fun and enjoyable class to be in! I have had so much fun in it making friends and getting to know people that I didn’t think I would know at all, but I am glad that I was able to experience that class because I also learned what it means to devout time to someone other than myself and how to allow myself to give more to other people and I think that its important to know that as a growing person.