Community at THS

Audrey Menghini, Journalist

We recently had a school assembly at the beginning of the week. Even having two different sections and the bleachers filled from top to bottom, there were still students spewing out the sides. Some people would say that’s too many, and they are right, but in the end it’s one big community. 

The freshman class alone has over 700 people and there are way more in the Middle Schools, Summit Trail and Maple View, waiting to come up to the high school. Given that Maple Valley is not necessarily big and not a lot of people live in it, the amount of kids that are wanting to be in Tahoma is really remarkable.

Another important thing about community is about establishing one. Recognizing the importance of establishing a community has a big effect on everyone in it. Tahoma is very lucky on how they established their community, especially with how many kids in it. There is always room for growth, but creating a community where students and staff can connect with each other through their shared hobbies is a key factor in creating a solid community.

Going back at the thought of Tahoma having too many students is one way of looking at it. In reality, we are a community of people supporting each other and building relationships left and right. 


“ Different people have different perspectives on Tahoma. But it is definitely a community.” stated a freshman at Tahoma. 


Sports are a big part of Tahoma High School with many teams exceeding the expectations of everyone. Look at the varsity football games for an example. Everyone is going to support the team and wants to contribute to the themes. You constantly hear “Are you coming to the football game?” or, “ Do you want to come to the football game with me?” It’s everywhere. 

People are not choosing to do things like this, they do it on their own. From multiple clubs and sports teams to join, Tahoma continues to build and grow as one big community.