Senior Assembly

May 6, 2022
The senior assembly was on April 28, 2022 in the PAC. It was the first assembly Tahoma High School has had in 2 years. The mood in the air was exciting as seniors learned about graduation.
What did students think about the senior assembly? The responses were exciting.
“I am looking forward to graduation, I am excited!,” responded senior Miranda Marquart.
Seniors have not had a traditional graduation experience since 2019. The graduation ceremony will be on June 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm. and it will be on a real stage. The audience will be full of friends and family members. Each senior will have 6 free tickets and they can only buy 2 tickets. This year’s graduation just might be more nostalgic and memorable.
“I did not know we are having a senior party after graduation, I am looking forward to it!,” responded also senior Lexi Beu.
Last year seniors did have a graduation party, although it was different from previous years. This year’s senior party will be an all-nighter. After graduation is over seniors will take buses to a secret location. They will have food and games. It is a time for students to celebrate graduating High School with their friends.
Overall the senior assembly was successful. Seniors learned what graduation will be like. It will be a real graduation ceremony like previous years. Seniors will be on a real stage and they can have friends and family come. And seniors learned that they will have a real senior party. Seniors will take buses to an unknown location. And they will celebrate with their friends all night. Seniors are very excited for the end of the year!