The Legendary Container Store

June 10, 2022
A store the likes of which you’ve never heard. A store whose story has been told throughout time, generation after generation. One store that contains the essence of what is to be what humans, who can only see in 3 dimensions would consider to be…..perfection. Or you know, I do anyway.
The Container Store, otherwise known as the store that contains the containers, that sometimes are contained, completely stole my attention away from any other shop in the mall. Never before have I been exposed to the world of containment, and how much variety it has. I saw clothes containers, file containers, tupperware, and they even had pens (ink containers)! Fear not, it doesn’t end there. They had containers that held containers that contained containers that stored more containers, and they come with lids. And before you start thinking this store is some “small-time business”, ill inform you that it’s one of the biggest non-clothing stores in the whole mall. It’s so big it even has its own stores the size of a Walmart. Don’t believe me? Look at the top right of the page, yes my dear reader, that’s real. Other than that, there is not much more to say, it’s a container store and there is only so long before you all get tired of me containing the word “container” five times in one sentence, gotta keep wacky stuff like that contained.
Now it’s time for what I know you have been foaming out the mouth for. My reader, you may have paid for the whole seat, but we all know you’ve only been using the edge, for now is the moment you have been craving. Prepare, for now your ears will pick up a symphony of the most beautiful sound one could ever hear. My opinion. The store design itself has a very stand design similar to that of an Office Depot or Staples, the smell of the store matches there as well. I’ll give it a 4/10 for the look and a 7/10 for the smell, who doesn’t like the smell of fresh paper and carpet? In the scoring department known as “what does it contain”, I’ll give it a 9/10. After all, what other store allows me to contain the same word too many times other than the store of containment known as the container store, the holder of all things meant to contain what can be contained but also contain? I believe that’s all the facts I need to give this store of the century a flawless review. My final score, something that can shift to gods of the universe into or out of your favor is………9.5/10, I just cant give it 10/10 yet, that’s a sacred honor only the elites get, like inside pockets.