Kentlake Dance Competition
February 9, 2022
The Kentlake Dance Competition was on January 29, 2022. Tahoma performed Pom and Hip Hop. The scores are out of 300 and 210 is required to qualify for State. Pom scored a 217 and Hip Hop scored a 221. Tahoma was successful with Pom placing 3rd, winning the sportsmanship award with $100 for the team and Megan Hatch got 3rd in advanced drill down!
The Tahoma Dance Team did really well at the Kentlake Dance Competition and what did students think about the competition? The enthusiasm was palpable.
“Tahoma killed it at the Kentlake Dance Competition. They have been working so hard and they deserve it,” said senior Rory Roberts.
Tahoma did really well. They practice every morning before school at 6:00 am. And have practice or a competition every Saturday. Practice and hard work does pay off.
“Yeah, we did so good. And I am glad that we placed before districts,” responded Miranda Marquart also a senior.
District competition is in March and they need to get a 210 or higher to qualify for State. It is good that they are getting a 210 or higher now. Because it is good practice before districts.
Overall Tahoma Dance did amazing at the Kentlake Dance Competition. They are a perfect example of hard work ethic. They practice 5-6 days a week and are dedicated to nail their routines. Our student dance athletes have earned our respect and deserve to be supported, so let’s all turn out to watch and cheer them on.