Student Weekly – 01/04/22

January 4, 2022
For the week of December 6-10
With 2021 coming to a close and winter break nearing us this week, Washington has already set plans for the upcoming year. Starting in 2022, Washington state businesses are no longer going to provide single-use items due to “a new state law meant to reduce single-use plastics waste”. Can you imagine starting the new year off with a “McFlurry” and eating it without a spoon?
In other news, the Washington State Auditor office reported that they are “charging the Employment Security Department (ESD) with “gaps in accountability” that allegedly allowed one former employee to misappropriate $315,282” and an additional $121,503 in “questionable unemployment benefit payments’”, while also processing claims for people in jail; and using a fake Social Security card for verification.” I’m gonna be real, that whole scenario sounds like a bad plot to a Mission Impossible movie.
And lastly, Washington state’s unemployment safeguards internal controls were called “inadequate” after a former state employee stole more than $300,000 from the Washington Employment Security Department. The suspect was accused of falsifying unemployment claims, taking bribes from applicants, and demanding payments from people the suspect was able to approve benefits for. My question is, what are they going to do with that money? Use it to pay taxes and bills? I’d rather use it to go to Hawaii!
These are the links that “Student Weekly” used for this weeks news: