Fred Meyer Sushi Section is my Savior

January 10, 2022
No internet is needed for this one. This experience of mine came from the time I touched grass after a long while of scorning the outside. This day I had business to attend to after school. After this undefined time consumer, I felt the ungodly wrath of my stomach telling me to at, and fast.
Now living in Maple Valley, we have a few benefits in the food category. I even got bonus luck for being in the legendary area, of four corners, a place packed full of grocery stores, restaurants, and fast food. I find myself closest to the Dairy Queen, so I begin walking there with great haste. To my horror I walk in to find no one at the counter, in fact, there was no one in the Dairy queen at all. The only sounds I could hear were the death threats coming from my stomach if I didn’t provide sufficient fuel for it soon.
Next, I walk to the Mcdonalds. After all, it’s cheaper than the alternative Burger King`, and although the food may not be as great, I’m not going for taste, I’m going for speed. Walking up to the door I can hear angelic music telling me to go on, coursing through my veins as a power boost to make it to the last stretch of my unforeseen journey, and just like the main character in a horror movie thinking he escaped the murderer. My heart dropped. All the happiness, all the power boost, all my dreams, hopes, desires. Gone. The doors were locked.
I’m getting desperate, the world is closing in on me, tunnel vision. Through this small dark gap, I can only see one thing, Burger King. My new destination is set, course plotted, and I won’t let anything get in my way. The trek there was grueling. My body hung low, bad posture was imminent. At this point, primal instincts are kicking in, eyes beady, laser-focused. I can see the food in my mind, even more, I can smell, and I haven’t even crossed the street yet.
Once again I draw near to my destination, ready to pull out my wallet and throw dollar bills out like shurikens as I raid this fast food place. The door is near, my hand is ready. The scene plays in my head, a Mexican stand-off, but I’m not walking away from my opponent, my back won’t turn. Today I face the metal head-on, ready for anything. I’m now mentally prepared for the worst. One bullet in their gun, its name “Bad Customer Service”. This is fine, easily deflected. I think of another, bullet two, “Long wait”. This one will leave me badly beaten, but still, I would prevail.
I didn’t see it coming. The Person in front of me was just a mere distraction to the real enemy threat. Bullet three, “Doors locked”. He came up from behind and delivered to me a fatal blow. I vowed not to turn my back, so they went around, hitting me in my blind spot.
Beaten, bruised, and most of all, hungry. I stand there, my options null, so with one last-ditch effort, I drag my feet to the last chance I have left. Fred Meyer. A ravaging beast looking for food, this is what any witnesses would compare me to. I stalked the store aisles, left, right, up, down, this is where my eyes went. Then I spotted it, the holy land. It shone brightly in my dark world full of misery and despair. A light at the end of what I thought to be a never-ending tunnel. So simple, yet so majestic as is stood there. The Sushi Section.
I scanned over my options, but in reality, my choice did not matter. Grabbing a package I rushed over to the self-checkout and made out like a bandit. The container that held my treasure was so elegant, the flimsy plastic seemed almost out of this world. I ripped open the last barrier preventing me from my destiny, the item tag! The container was open, the smell of fish filled my nostrils with an unreal power rivaling the heavens itself! The first bite was un-imaginable. I reached the light, and my world flooded with color. The second bite was just as phenomenal as the first, and was the third, fourth, and even fifth!
Finally, my hunger was slain, stabbed through its demonic heart with the godly swords of what can only say is my savior. I will say it once, and it will carry on through the channels of the ever vast playground we know as time. The Fred Meyer Sushi Section is my savior.