The Future of Power Hour

October 12, 2021
Have you ever gone to a teacher’s classroom for Power Hour? This year, Freshmen Success teachers implemented a new policy that freshmen must attend one power hour activity a day. But the fun is not just for Freshmen, anyone can go.
Every teacher at Tahoma was required to come up with a fun activity to host in their room during either power hour A or B. Some teachers even opened up their room for both. Students had the option to go to a variety of different events. From a vintage arcade to a marathon of The Office, there was something for everyone.
“So far I have gone to my guitar classroom, origami, and other rooms, just to work on school work” says Freshman Amira Ahmed. “I enjoyed going to power hour, I think it provides amazing opportunities for students in the school, especially freshman.”
Due to recent events and the lack of mask wearing and social distancing indoors, the future of power hour is at stake. Our hour-long lunch has been taken away.
Sophomore Francesca Huser says that “since power hour has been taken away, I feel very lonely and overwhelmed. Power hour is a time for students to decompress and spend time with friends and since it is gone, school feels even longer and more unbearable for students.”
We all love power hour, so let’s work to bring it back. With the weather getting worse, less people will be eating outdoors. Please wear your mask over your nose and maintain at least a 6 foot distance between you and your friends at lunch.