The Village Movie Review
October 6, 2020
The Movie The Village is a horror and suspense movie by M. Night Shyamalan. The movie being a suspense movie has great music, done by James Newton Howard, adds great tension to the movie.
The actors, Bryce Dallas Howard, Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody, played their parts well adding to the creepiness and uncertainty of the movie. The overall movie had some good apprehensive and creepy parts that were scattered throughout the movie.
The Village also had some shocking plot twists which added to the apprehension and mystery of the movie. The main characters, a blind girl, a quiet boy and a boy with a developmental disability, also make the movie more intense as you come to be worried about the main characters.
Shyamalan not only added some great scenes that made you feel tense and on edge but also made you question what was going on in the movie. While the overall movie was not very scary and there were some slower parts, M. Night Shyamalan definitely made the story very interesting and also gave an interesting perspective on a different way of life.
The movie was fun to watch and was good for its story and perspective although it was not very scary I would still recommend it.