did the pandemic happen before 2020?
October 1, 2020
“History repeats itself, it’s a popular saying. But, perhaps it’s a bit more true than most people
think. Looking at our modern Coronavirus pandemic and the last one people remember, the
Spanish Flu of 1918, the effects on students in today’s pandemic and the effect of students in
the 1918 pandemic shows that maybe, despite over 100 years, things might not have changed
However during that time tech was not as advanced. Online learning was not a thing, TV
was severely different, even indoor plumbing was a novelty. Even though there are a lot
of differences for students there are still a lot of similarities.
Kylie Doohan Mitchell stated that the hardest part of this quarantine is
“Not being able to go places.” This is a problem that a lot of people have been going through
however this is not just related to today’s pandemic…
On Oct. 21, 1918, 16 year old Annie Clifton wrote a letter to her brother,”[our town,]
Norfolk is some dull now, All of the moving pictures and theatres are closed on account of the
Spanish flu.” this shows that students were bummed about not being able to go places just like
After there was only a few Cases of coronavirus in America, schools closed.This has
happened before. On Dec.10,1918 college student Myrtle wrote a letter to his family. “The
grated schools and High school are closed here, but only a few students of K.U. [University of
Kansas] have it.”
However there are some differences between the effects of the pandemics for schools .
For example, on Oct.5.1918 15 year old Violet Harris wrote in her diary “(School) Board will add
the missed days on to the end of the term.” This is not happening today instead students are
using technology to attend online classes forever this comes with some disadvantages…
According to Elementary School teacher, Mrs. Doohan, said that The hardest part of This
quarantine is “Making sure the the students are able to Attend [the online meetings].”