Tahoma Student’s Summer Plans
Sunset over Boston, taken when traveling over the summer of 2018.
June 11, 2019
As the end of the school year approaches fast, students at Tahoma High School are impatiently waiting for summer break. Summer looks different for everyone, but regularly consists of traveling, going to summer camps or attending programs, and no school. These students share their plans for summer 2019.
One thing that many students are looking forward to this summer is travel. Sarah Burkhead, a freshman, is traveling on a road trip with her family to Texas this summer, and she’s excited to stop in Arizona on the way there. Although she’s been to Arizona before, she hasn’t “gone around Arizona that much and so [she’ll] be doing different things other than just visiting family”. Sarah is excited to visit this summer to go hiking, see more of the state, and spend time outdoors.
Junior Keila Jellings is planning on going even farther-all the way to Japan. Her family lives in Tokyo, and she visits them each summer. “I’m really excited visit my grandparents, I just love the country”, she says. Jellings is also planning to go to Tokyo Disneyland, the natural hot springs, and spend time hiking.
Students are also looking forward to going to camps and summer programs. Paul Donnelly, a junior at Tahoma, will be spending his summer working for the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance as a coach for kids learning to ride mountain bikes. This program is for children of all ages and the coaches lead the groups through local trails and mountain biking parks, teaching them skills and developing their love for biking.
Junior Alison Barlow is heading to the University of Washington to participate in a program called Do-It. The program helps older students with learning disabilities get used to a university environment, and allows them to learn new strategies that could help them in the future. Barlow will be a senior next school year, so this will be an experience that will assist her in her preparation for college.
Additionally, students are eagerly anticipating summer break for the free time it brings. Jesse Grayson, a freshman at Tahoma is excited for the opportunity to have “freedom to do activities without worrying about schoolwork,” something that he hasn’t had time to do while school has been in session.
Freshman Gracie Weis is happy to have the chance to sleep in. With school in session, most students have to get up before 6:45 am, which is considered too early for most. Without needing to worry about waking up to attend school, she’s “excited to get up and eat pancakes and watch tv, I have a habit of watching Netflix before I go to sleep, and I feel less guilty [sleeping in] during the summer.”
This summer will be eventful for some, and provide a much-needed break for others. Tahoma students’ plans vary, but they are all thrilled for the arrival of the summer months. Whether your plans include going somewhere new, spending time outside, hanging out with friends, or taking time to sleep and re-energize, enjoy your summer!