Is Tahoma Future Ready?
June 5, 2018
The Tahoma School District’s purpose is to educate and prepare students for the future. Recently, a future ready survey was given out this year for Tahoma high school 12th-grade students to take within the time of late April and early May of 2018. In the end, 16 seniors took the survey, which gave out interesting results.
According to this survey, 69% disagreed or strongly disagreed that Tahoma has helped prepare them for adulthood, which leaves barely 31% agreed or strongly agreed that Tahoma has helped prepare them for adulthood. They don’t feel that Tahoma has prepared them for the future responsibilities that come with being an adult. Even for major responsibilities such as raising a child or taking care of a family. “No, that’s super unsustainable. How are you supposed to start saving for retirement when you’re already paying for kids?” Perez, E. (2018, May 10). Online Survey. Of the 31% of students who took the survey who said they were prepared to take care of a family with/without a child, none of them gave any credit to Tahoma.
Now, there was a similar survey done by the Youth Truth organization. The survey had way more participants, which spanned across 260 schools, which also spread out through several regions within the United States, and out of those 165,000 students, there was more than half that felt prepared for life after high school. “‘While it’s encouraging to see the proportion of students with high college and career expectations, most do not feel prepared to do so’” Wilka, J. (2015, July 30). Online Survey. Of that 87 % who were prepared, only 45% felt that their school had anything to do with it. However, the Youth Truth organization did not really specify whether any of these schools were within the Maple Valley or Washington area, so more specification would be helpful.
Perhaps Tahoma is not preparing students, or maybe Tahoma is, and students are just rejecting the help. Either way, what matters is that although 69% of students who took the survey disagreed or strongly disagreed that Tahoma has helped prepare them for adulthood, it does not mean that they are not prepared, it just means that the students feel that Tahoma has not helped prepare them. And even then, feelings can change. All in all, 31% felt that Tahoma has helped prepare them for adulthood, whereas 69% felt that Tahoma has not helped prepare them for adulthood. “I’m not prepared to take care of anyone but myself, really,” said senior Aleksander Fleischer.