Although it seems like people have been preparing for Valentine’s Day since Thanksgiving (people as in grocery stores), the season for it is finally here. Like many holidays, Valentine’s Day can look different for many people. The focus of the holiday itself can be viewed many different ways. Some only celebrate if they have a significant other, others use it to celebrate everyone around them. Many also have the perspective of “Why have a holiday for spreading love when you should daily?”.
At Tahoma our bears are gearing up for their loving spirit this upcoming February 14th with their red pink and white. We went around the school asking people if they had a valentine, what their plans were and their thoughts on the holiday overall.
Freshman Liliana, explained to us that she did not have a valentine this year but did enjoy the holiday every year. She enjoys the feeling of having a reason to throw a celebration for the people she loves. Her excited expressions of, “It’s very lovey dovey, very kind, and it’s very pink and red”. Insinuate her adornment of the holiday. Although she does not have a significant other to celebrate, she’s choosing to celebrate everyone around her!
On the opposing end Junior Mia Hammington, believes Valentine’s day should not be a holiday. She deems, “I don’t think it should be a holiday because you shouldn’t pick one day out of the year to love each other. You should just choose to love everyone every day”. Hammingtons answer seemed to start off odd with her initial statement of just no. but when further explained we see and understand her statement that everyone should love everyone everyday not just one day in particular. She then went on to tell us how she is going to be spending the holiday though with her significant other, but has nothing set in stone yet for a plan. Since for them they see it as just a holiday with room for a little extra loving.
It seems Valentine’s day is a day of multitudes. Many have no plans and loathe the day, where as many love the day. Senior Aniyah Jefferson’s look on the holiday is a day for her to go all out for her girlfriend, but she entails, “But I don’t think it should be that important, like some people have said before, you just need to love everyday! It shouldn’t be as important as people make it out to be”.
Whether you have a significant other or not, Tahoma wishes you a loving Valentine’s Day! As our interviewers made clear, Valentine’s day is a day of love. Though you should choose to love everyone around you everyday.