Effectiveness of School Counseling
what school counselors can do for you
Tahoma’s counselors from left to right: Shelly Veazey, Sharon Wright, Jessica Feller and Lori Lewis. Not pictured: Heidi Young.
January 26, 2018
School Counselors play a huge role in today’s school setting and so much more than people think they do. Whenever a student needs to see a counselor, counselors will often free up their schedules to fit that student in and will have many meetings for counseling sessions per day. That is where School Counseling begins, most people do not know much beyond that of what Counselors can do for them.
The roles and responsibilities for an Elementary and Middle School school counselor are confirming that students are receiving the emotional support they need to be successful in the classroom and outside of school. That is one of many responsibilities school counselors have, those other responsibilities include; Providing counseling for students, one on one or in a small group. Also holding special topic classes to bring awareness to the subject of bullying, abuse, eating adaptations, and eating disorders.
As my allergy of Peanuts and Nuts, I have been invited to many of the special classes for learning the proper way on how to use the EpiPen auto-injectors during an allergy attack, in case of an emergency; that class has always been taught by the School Counselors and School Nurses, in every year for the last 9 years. School Counselors look out for signs of physical and emotional abuse, neglect, self-harm, and report that information to parents or individuals taking care of the student, and notifying proper authorities if ever coming to that extent.
School counselors at the Elementary and Middle School level also help students find their Interests and abilities through interviews and aptitude tests, and find their strengths and weaknesses and help them improve their life from their weaknesses. School counselors often help students with organization and will talk to their teachers, parents for adjustments that need to be made so they can be the best version of them self in and out of class.
High School level School counselors have all the same responsibilities as the Elementary and Middle School level Counselors, and then some. Our counselors figure out what the post-high school educational path their students choose and how to prepare them for college and career paths they choose. Most students apply for college during senior year and counselors will actually sit down and fill out college applications with the student and help research the colleges students are looking at.
I myself have had a few times where I needed to see a counselor but only for basic things, schedule changing, dropping classes, making sure I was getting into the correct classes and making sure I was on track. I have Ms. Veazey at Tahoma High School, and she is always looking for the best in me and for me. There were most definitely times during my tenure at Tahoma where I wish I had gone to her for actual counseling but did not know that was her responsibility to help me through the rough patches of my recent life.
Even before I moved here to Tahoma I had spoken to my Counselors at Dakota Hills Middle School in Eagan, Minnesota about my social problems and issues I had beyond the relationships in the class and my counselors were very nice to me and made sure I was happy and was able to get my education and did not have to worry about anything. For me, I have always had a counselor who has cared for the betterment of myself and achieving the goals I set and always working with me for the best version of myself.
I spoke and interviewed some classmates and friends to get their opinions on their encounters with school counselors. Katie Brickwell,18, Enumclaw High School Graduate 2017, told me about her meetings with her Middle School Counselors. As small of an issue she described it as, her counselor gave her full attention and made sure that Katie’s questions were all answered no matter how big or small; she originally went in to talk about her stress levels between School, Orchestra, Girls School Basketball, and other after-school activities, such as church youth group. “I was so stressed to find out what I wanted to do with my life, either following through basketball or Orchestra, I ended up choosing to finish the season and then quit because I had realized I was not as good as I thought I was” said Brickwell. Mrs. Brickwell, her mother had called the school to set up the appointment because Katie did not believe in counseling, and was so glad that her mom did that because it truly affected her life in Middle School and at the high school level, following through with Orchestra through high school, “talking to my counselor was a lot more beneficial than I would have ever thought, I am so glad I went,” said Brickwell.
I also wanted to get a reflection from a Tahoma student, so I interviewed senior Jacob Lequire, about his interactions with High School Counselors at Tahoma High School. His experience was more about classes and what classes were appropriate and ideal for his schedule. “I gained a lot from these counseling meetings for my schedule changes, was very beneficial,” said Lequire. “For people who are going to a school counselor meeting, here is some advice, always walk into your meeting with an open mind, your counselor knows what is best for you, so listen and have an open mind,” said Lequire.
Author Lynn Ponton of Characteristics of effective counseling, states how Counseling is a two-way street. If students who are being counseled put forth their best effort during sessions, they will gain a lot more from the sessions. Effectiveness will be determined by how willing the patient is to solving their issues or the reason for counseling, Not on whether your problems are solved without putting best effort forward.
Without even recognizing how much School counselors impact not only our daily lives but our future in becoming the most successful version of ourselves, our counselors do so much. Factor in everything they do to help us get where we need to go, and they are incredible. School Counselors are not just employees of the school, they go way beyond the norm.