On a cold night in December, you’re standing in the middle of Four Corners, surrounded by neighbors and strangers alike. Before you stands Maple Valley’s Christmas tree, and after a short speech from our Mayor, the tree is flooded with sparkling lights right up to the star on top.
Hometown Holidays, started off with lighting the tree in town square, followed by a night of walking around booths hosted by your local Maple Valley businesses. A tradition many years in the making in the city of Maple Valley. One might even call it Winter’s version of Maple Valley Days.
It only comes once a year, so it’s easy to miss it, but many consider it a beloved tradition. But it’s easy to overlook the reason we have such a tradition in the first place.
Sure, it’s always cool to see a giant tree lit up in glimmering colored lights, and the treats and trinkets handed out at all the different booths are fun, but much like presents on Christmas, that’s not really what the night is about.
As Belinda Bentley from UW medicine puts it, the most important part of Hometown Holidays is the community aspect, and that it gives her the ability to “see [her] neighbors outside the clinic.” Fireman Joe Nededog agrees that the event “brings the community together,” in such a small city, we’re privileged with this opportunity. It’s one we wouldn’t be able to see in a city such as Seattle. Whether you choose to attend Hometown Holidays or not, there’s no denying the scope of this tradition. Seeing all the people around the Christmas tree in town square is enough to prove that.
If it ever feels like Maple Valley is a tighter knit community than the surrounding areas, we may have events like Hometown Holidays to thank.