A few weeks ago Tahoma High School held another Homecoming assembly and we are interviewing around Tahoma to see what people thought about it. We believe that the leadership team puts a lot of effort into the assemblies and gets little participation from the students attending. We wanted to dive deeper and interview people one on one to get their true opinion.
Tahoma Sophomore, Brielle Farchette thought the assembly could, “Use more crowd participation.” Along with that she did think this year’s assembly was well run, but the crowd could have been more excited.
After interviewing the students, we wanted to get insight behind the scenes on how the assembly runs. Tahoma High School Leadership teacher, stated, his favorite part of running the assembly is, “seeing the students come together to make the assembly happen.” We also asked him if he thought Covid had an effect on leadership and the crowd’s participation in school spirit. Simpson stated, “Covid impacted leadership, but I think we are coming out the other side.” We agree and we think that people get too wrapped into what others think of them so they don’t want to participate.
Overall this year’s assembly was a success, but with a little more school spirit and crowd participation it could be even better! Pep assemblies are meant to get everyone excited and ready for the homecoming football game/dance, and in order to do that the crowd has to be just as excited for it as the leadership team running it.
-Paisley Laukala, Kaitlyn Maggio