Remember those warm summer days? When the townsfolk gather along the streets as a barrage of people walks the pathway of the gravel-based road, perhaps sparsely covered with confetti, plastic necklace beads, and maybe drops of fun-sided candy pieces. Children hopping along their parent’s shoulders in hopes that they can view the buoyant colors emitting from the decorations of those floats. Hearing those cheers and the claps amongst the crowd, matching along with the beat of the music from a marching band. They march in time with their golden-bound instruments on their hands, lyrically playing the tunes to the music, and matching along with the cadence.
It comes to great pleasure to dedicate article for the Tahoma High School Marching Band, as they prepared themselves for the parade they attended: The Viking Fest parade in Poulsbo last Saturday, May 18, 2024, and soon, the long awaited event in this community, The Maple Valley Day Parade, which is set to occur on June 8th, 2024.
First glance
The Tahoma High School band has been practicing throughout the early spring in preparation for these events. The majority of band members are dedicated to showing up to their dress rehearsals during and after school hours as they perform their chosen song, “This Is Berk,” from the famous DreamWorks film, How To Train Your Dragon. Their first parade event was on May 18th at the Viking Fest Parade, located in Poulsbo—about a two-hour drive away from Maple Valley.
Many newcomers who joined the band just this past year are communicating about their enjoyment in participating in performing arts. “It is truly rewarding to be a part of the band,” Hailey Abbott said. She is a freshman for the band, as well as one of the Drum Majors responsible for leading the band. She reminisces about her momentous role belonging to a part of the band. “I have met most of my friends here… as to being a Drum Major, it is my favorite opportunity I have gotten… and it is entirely a different band experience and I’m grateful to have this position as a freshman!”
Concluding performances for the year
Following their big debut of their first performance, people from Maple Valley are invited to watch the local Maple Valley Day parade, which is set to begin on June 8th, 2024. Therefore, individuals are able to witness the final spectacular performance of the Tahoma Band!
However, it comes to a bittersweet feeling from the majority of Tahoma seniors leaving their band community. Seniors such as Kate Escobedo Smith, and Nathaniel Gifford are looking back at their journey.
“I don’t want to leave… the parades were fun and we had a lot of good bonding time,” Kate said, adding that some of her favorite memories come from previous band tours such as the Disney tour, and a performance in Oregon.
“It sucks having to leave the band… leaving is a downside to graduating,” Gifford began. “The best moments are the times that everyone laughs at slip-up notes when rehearsing, or even at the jokes our band director, Mr. Cole, makes.”
The hard work pays off when these students are learning the implementation of choreography to enhance musical performance. “These kids work hard to memorize the choreography and the music we were given. Making up fun choreography has always been a highlight of the band,” Gifford describes.
As the year comes to the end. We honor, acknowledge, and appreciate all of the musicians who have contributed so much for these moments in these performances, including the Field Show, concert, and the parades!